Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yesterday morning I was traveling to my conference and didn't feel like driving so I decided to hop in a cab. I passed on the first younger and surprisingly cute cab driver because of his lack of a credit card machine. Only about 8 dollars in my pocket I was unsure if that was enough for me to make it to the hotel where the conference was being held. However after he left, the bitter chill in the wind made me quickly regret that decision. Then the sea of cabs turned into only one that seemed to be stuck at the nearby traffic light forever.  I quickly flagged him down and asked "Do you have a credit card machine?" An elderly chocolate man was in the driver's seat and shook his head "No".  I told him "Well I've got 8 dollars sir, do u think it will get me there?" and he said "Hop on in."  Finally I was warm and on my way....Yesssss!

At first, I thought I would zone out and eat my breakfast.  He asked me "Was I having coffee?" and then we fell into some back and forth convo about McD's coffee versus 3 dollar Starbucks. Also how he went to McD's to get coffee because it only costs 50 cent with him being a senior citizen.  I was half listening until he started telling me about his journey from South Carolina to DC.  The driver told me he was from Columbia, SC which is nearby my mother's hometown of Lancaster, SC.  He said "I've been in DC for 53 years and I married my wife that long ago too. You know I thank God everyday for my wife, she's my biggest blessing".  He sounded so cute and it made me laugh but I also felt every bit of the sincerity in his southern drawl. It even made me say "Oh I know that's right and trust me I'm waiting on mine." In his charming tone, the driver told me. "Don't worry babygirl, he is coming but you have to believe God." I could help but to think "Yes I know believing in God and having faith in what I have yet to see is what will bring me what I desire."  He passionately informed me, "God takes you through but he will always bring you out."

On a day when my heart was still fresh from the beating of my v-day blues, this conversation with a stranger began to change something in me.  He said "There are some mean people out here but I don't believe they were born that way just taught to be that way or life made em that way but don't you stop smiling cuz some people aint right."   His words definitely brought a smile to my face and suddenly I became possessed by my own strength.  It was like he was a needed reminder that I must always trust God no matter what and just when you need one an angel appears.  The traffic got heavy and I noticed the meter was almost to 8.  I paused our convo to say "I hope we make it" and he quickly responded "We will make it and if not then I'll only charge you 8, don't worry."

After I thanked him, I jokingly asked him to pray for me and my good man so I could be in love like him and his wife. Do you know he started the prayer right then and there? "God please bring this nice young lady a good Christian husband who will love and cherish her."  I don't know why but in that moment I feel like everything he said was true.  When we pulled up to the hotel and the meter read $7.75.  He looked back at me in his clear brown ish 80's frames and black knit pullover hat slightly cocked to the side then said "I told you we would make it. Have faith Ms. Lady." I laughed and apologized for not being able to give him a deserving tip. He said "Even a little bit is something special." I told him that I would pray for him because he was truly a blessing. As I began to exit the cab, he asked my name and said "Cristi, I will pray for you just the same but do your part and keep believing."

After I got out the cab I felt like my whole day had been touched by one of God's angels.


  1. Just blogging around and found your blog. A very inspiring post and enjoyable reading. You've done a great job with your page. Thanks for letting me visit.

  2. I love this and love when these type of things happen. We can learn alot from our Elders. Everything is as it should be. Nothing happens by accident. xoxo

  3. Amen Girl! What a great story:)xxoo

  4. Fantastic blog! Kudos to u both. As soon as I figure out how to work this phone, I'll keep up w you guys. Now I'm determined to learn the phone so I can keep up w ur blog. Loving it! Annaboo
